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080230028 Object Oriented System Design CSE 6th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008

Anna university Coimbatore Syllabus

080230028 Object Oriented System Design CSE 6th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008

Department of Computer science and Engineering 

Meant for Anna University Coimbatore,trichy,trinelveli

(Regulation 2008/2010)
University:Anna University
Year: third  Year
Department: B.E Computer Science and Engineering 
Semester:  (VI) 
Content: 080230028 Object Oriented System Design CSE 6th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008
Subject code: 080230028
Subject Name: Object Oriented System Design
Regulation: 2008 or 2010 
Post Type: Syllabus


Unit I                                                                                                                                     

Introduction to Object Orientation - Development - Themes-Evidence for Usefulness of
OO Development-OO Modeling

Modeling Concepts
Modeling-Abstraction-The Three Models-Class Modeling-Object and Class Concepts- Link and Association Concepts-Generalization and Inheritance-A Sample Class Model- Navigation of Class Models-Practical Tips

Unit II                                                                                                                                   

Advanced Class Modeling
Advanced    Object     and     Class    Concepts-Association    Ends-N-ary     Assocations- Aggregation-Abstract                        Classes-Multiple       Inheritance-metadata-Reification-Constraints- Derived Data-Packages- Practical Tips

State Modeling
Events-states-Transitions and Conditions-State diagrams-state diagrams behavior- practical tips-Advanced state Modeling-Nested State Diagrams-Nested States-Signal Generalization-concurrency- A sample state Model- Relation of class and state models

Interaction Modeling
Use case Models-Sequence Models- Activity Models- Use Case Relationships- Procedural Sequence Models- special constructs for Activity Models-Class Model-State Model-Interaction Model

Unit III                                                                                                                                 

Process Overview-Development stages-Development Lifecycle-System conception- devising a system concept-Elaborating a concept-preparing a problem statement- Domain analysis-overview of analysis-Domain class model-Domain state model-Domain Interaction Model-Iterating the analysis-Application Interaction Model-Application Class Model-Application state Model-Adding operations

Unit IV                                                                                                                                  

Overview of system Design-Estimating performance- Making a reuse plan-Breaking a system                 into     sub     systems-identifying    concurrency-Allocation    of     subsystems- Management of Data Storage-Handling Global Resources-Choosing a software control strategy-handling boundary conditions-setting Trade-off Priorities-common architectural styles-Architecture of the ATM System

Class Design
Overview of class Design-Bridging the gap-Realizing use cases-Designing Alogrithms- Recursing                       Downward-Refactoring-Design    optimization-Reification     of      behavior- adjustment of inheritance-organizing a class design-ATM Example

Unit V                                                                                                                                  

Implementation Modeling-overview oimplementation-Fine-tuning classes-fine tuning generalizations-realizing   associations-oo   languages-introductioabbreviated    ATM Model-implementing structure-implementing functionality-practical tips

Introduction-Abbreviated ATM Model-Implementing structure-Implementing structure - Implementing                            structure   for    the   ATM    Example-Implementing   Functionality-Object oriented Databases

Programming style
Object-oriented style-reusability-extensibility robustness - programming in large
Total : 45

1.  Object-Oriented    Modeling  and   Design  with   UML,    Michael   Blaha,   James
Rumbaugh, Second Edition, Pearson Education,2004.
2.  Object-Oriented Software Engineering using UML, Pattens, and Java second
Edition Bernd Bruegge, Robert S
3.  Object-Oriented Software Engineering using UML, Pattens, and Java second
Edition Bernd Bruegge, Allen H.Dutoit(200x?)


1.  Object Oriented System Development, Ali Bahrami, McGraw-Hill International
2.  Object  Oriented  analysis  and  Design,  Booch  G,  Addison-Wesley Publishing company,1994

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