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080290054 Digital Control System ECE 6th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008

Anna university Coimbatore Syllabus

080290054 Digital Control System ECE 6th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 

Meant for Anna University Coimbatore

(Regulation 2008/2010)
University:Anna University
Year: Third Year
Department: B.E Electronics and Communication Engineering 
Semester:  (VI) 
Content: 080290054 Digital Control System ECE 6th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008
Post Type: Syllabus

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1.         INTRODUCTION                                                                                          

Overview of frequency and time response analysis and specifications of control systems - Advantages of digital control systems basic concepts of sampled data control systems principle of sampling, quantization and coding Reconstruction of signals Sample and Hold circuits Practical aspects of choice of sampling rate -Basic discrete time signals Time domain models for discrete time systems.

2.         Z TRANSFORMATION                                                                                

Z-transform, Z-transfer function Inverse Z transform, Z-transform analysis of sampled data control system, Z and S domain Relationship

3.         TRANSFER FUNCTIONS AND SIGNAL FLOW GRAPHS                   8

Pulse Transfer function and z transfer function Closed loop systems modified z transfer function sampled signal flow graph Multirate Discrete data systems.

4.         STATE VARIABLE ANALYSIS                                                                   

State space representation of discrete time systems state equations of discrete data system with sample and Hold devices State transition matrix State diagram of digital systems Decomposition of discrete data transfer systems.

5.          STABILITY ANALYSIS                                                                                

Mapping between S plane and Z plane- Jury's stability test - Bilinear transformation and extended Routh array- Root Locus Method



1.  Gopal M. Digital Control and State Variable methods’, Tata Mc Graw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, India, 2003.
2.  Ogata K.  ‘Discrete Time Control Systems’, Prentice Hall  International, New Gercy, USA, 2002.

3.  Kuo B.C. Digital Control Systems’, Oxford University Press, Inc., 2003
4.  Houpis C.H. and Lamont C.B., ‘Digital Control Systems’, Tata Mc Graw
Hill, 1999.
5.  I.J.Nagarth and M.Gopal - Control systems engineering - Wiley Eastern
Ltd., 1993.

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