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ME2255 Electronics and Microprocessors Important Questions for May/June 2014 Exam Mechanical 4th Semester Regulation 2008

ME2255 / ME46 / EC1265 / 10122ME406 / 080120019 Electronics and Microprocessors Important Questions Mechanical 4th Semester Regulation 2008

Anna university

BE/B Tech Degree Examination 

Department of Mechanical Engineering 

Question Paper
(Regulation 2008)
University:Anna University
Department:BE Mechanical Engineering
Content: ME2255 / ME46 / EC1265 / 10122ME406/80120019Electronics and Microprocessors Important Questions Mechanical 4th Semester Regulation 2008
Subject code:  ME2255 / ME46 / EC1265 / 10122ME406 / 080120019
Subject Name: Electronics and Microprocessors 
Regulation: 2008
Post Type: Important Questions

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1. Explain N-type and P-type semiconductor with their energy band diagram?

2. Explain the following

a. Mobility b. Drift current c. Conductivity d. Diffusion current

3. What is break down in diode? What are its types?

4. Explain the principle of PN junction diode with neat diagram

5. Explain the principle of zener diode with neat diagram

6. Explain zener as a voltage regulator

7. Explain the working principle of half wave rectifier

8. Explain the working principle of full wave rectifier


1. Explain the construction, operation, volt ampere characteristics, and application

of SCR, also explain its two transistor model.

2. Explain the construction, operation, equivalent circuit, volt ampere

Characteristics, and application of UJT.

3. Explain the construction, operation, equivalent circuit, volt ampere

Characteristics, and application of DIAC.

4. Explain the construction, operation, equivalent circuit, volt ampere

Characteristics, and application of TRIAC

5. Explain the different types of biasing with neat diagram

6. Explain the transformer coupled Class A amplifier

7. Explain class B amplifier

8. Explain Class C tuned amplifier

9. Explain CE configuration with its input, output characteristics

10. Explain CB configuration with its input, output characteristics

11. Explain CC configuration with its input, output characteristics


1. What is the operation of RS flip-flop?

2. What is the operation of SR flip-flop?

3. What is the operation of D flip-flop?

4. What is the operation of JK flip-flop?

5. What is the operation of T flip-flop?

6. Explain the operation of SISO shift register?

7. Explain the operation of asynchronous up counter?

8. Explain the operation of asynchronous down counter?

8. Explain the operation of synchronous counter?


1. Compare CALL and PUSH instructions

2. How does the microprocessor differentiate between data and instruction.

3. Explain 8085 architecture.

4. Explain the instruction set.

5. Explain the various addressing modes of 8085


1. Explain I/O interfacing.

2. Explain the stepper motor interfacing with neat diagram

3. Explain traffic light control with neat diagram.

4. Explain the operation of temperature control using 8085


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ME2255 / ME46 / EC1265 / 10122ME406 / 080120019 Electronics and Microprocessors Important Questions
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ME46 Electronics and Microprocessors Important Questions
EC1265 Electronics and Microprocessors Important Questions
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