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080290089 Arm System Architecture & applications ECE 8th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008

Anna university Coimbatore Syllabus

080290089 Arm System Architecture & applications ECE 8th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 

Meant for Anna University Coimbatore

(Regulation 2008/2010)
University:Anna University
Year: Fourth Year
Department: B.E Electronics and Communication Engineering 
Semester:  (VIII) 
Content: 080290089 Arm System Architecture & applications ECE 8th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008
Post Type: Syllabus

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UNIT  I                            The ARM Architecture                                                            
ARM Embedded system-ARM processor    fundamentals-ARM instruction set- The Thumb instruction set-ARM processor cores- ARM assembly language programming.

UNIT  II                    
      Architectural support for High level language                
Writing   and   optimizing   ARM    assembly   code-Instruction   schedules- Register allocation Conditional execution- looping constructs- Bit manipulation- Function and procedures- use of memory

UNIT III                       
   Architectural support for System Development             
The ARM memory interface-The advanced Microcontroller bus architecture(AMBA)-Hardware                                                        system prototyping tools-the ARMulator- The JTAG boundary scan test architecture-The ARM Embedded                                              trace- debug architecture-Signal processing support-DSP on the ARM-Architectural support for OS

UNIT IV                    Memory hierarchy and ARM CPU cores                                    
Caches-Memory  protection  unit-Memory  management  unit-ARM  CPU
cores-The AMULET asynchronous ARM Processors

UNIT V                     Embedded ARM Applications                                                   
Embedded Operating systems-Principle components-Simple operating system.The VLSI Ruby II Advanced communication processor-The VLSI  ISDN subscriber processor-The one CTMVWS22100                                                            GSM chip-The Ericsson VLSI Bluetooth  Baseband  Controller-The ARM  7500  and  ARM  7500FE.The ARM
7100-The SA-1100


1.Steve Furber,ARM System-on-chip architecture Addison Wesley,2000

2.Andrew N.SLOSS,Dominic SYMES,Chris Wright,ARM System Developer’s
Guide,Designing and optimizing system software,Morgan Kaufmann,2007.

3. David Seal ,  ARM Architecture Reference Manual”, Pearson Education


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